
19 - Le rugby à VII


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19 – Le rugby à VII

Le rugby à VII naît en 1883 à Melrose, une petite ville à la frontière écossaise. Sept clubs de rugby locaux (Gala, Selkirk, St.Cuthbert’s Hawick, Earlstone, Melrose, Gala Forest et St.Ronan’s Innerieithen) participent au premier tournoi qui se déroule le 28 avril 1883 sur le désormais célèbre Greenyards. Melrose bat Gala en finale et remporte la Ladies Cup.

Le rugby à VII se développe rapidement tout le long de la frontière écossaise. Selkirk, Gala, Hawick, Jedforest, Langholm, Kelso et Earlston lancent leurs propres tournois.  Le tournoi de rugby à VII du Middlesex est lancé en 1926 à Twickenham. Le premier tournoi international de rugby à VII se déroule à Murrayfield en 1973, pour célébrer le centenaire de la fédération écossaise. Le Hong Kong International Sevens naît trois ans plus tard en 1976.

La première Coupe du monde de 1993 à Murrayfield accueille 24 fédérations et l’Angleterre bat l’Australie en finale. Ensuite, la Coupe du monde de rugby à  VII se déplace deux fois à Hong Kong (1997 et 2005) et à Mar del Plata en Argentine (2001). Fidji gagne deux fois (à Hong Kong) et la Nouvelle-Zélande une fois en 2001. La série à VII de l’IRB lancée en 1999, définit le rugby à VII comme futur sport olympique et attraction internationale majeure reconnue par la commission sportive du CIO.


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19. Sevens Rugby

Sevens rugby was born in 1883 in Melrose, a little town in the Scottish Borders. Seven local clubs – Gala, Selkirk, St.Cuthbert’s Hawick, Earlstone, Melrose, Gala Forest and St.Ronan’s Innerieithen – entered the first tournament held on April 28, 1883 on the now famous Greenyards field, with Melrose beating Gala in the final to win the Ladies Cup. The Sevens spread quickly in the Scottish Borders, with Selkirk, Gala, Hawick, Jedforest, Langholm, Kelso and Earlston launching their own tournaments. 

The Middlesex Sevens was launched in 1926 at Twickenham, and the first ever International Sevens Tournament was held at Murrayfield in 1973, to celebrate the centenary of the Scottish Union. The Hong Kong International Sevens was born three years later in 1976.

The first Rugby World Cup Sevens, held at Murrayfield in 1993 was attended by 24 Unions and was won by England who beat Australia in the final. After that the RWC Sevens travelled to Hong Kong – twice (in 1997 and 2005) and Mar del Plata in Argentina (in 2001), with Fiji winning it twice (both times in Hong Kong) and New Zealand once in 2001. The IRB Sevens Series, launched in 1999 established Sevens – identified by the IOC sports commission as a future Olympic sport – as a major attraction around the world.


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19. Rugby a VII

Il rugby a VII è nato nel 1883 a Melrose, una piccola città sul confine scozzese. Sette club locali di rugby (Gala, Selkirk, St.Cuthbert’s Hawick, Earlstone, Melrose, Gala Forest e St.Ronan’s Innerieithen) parteciparono al primo torneo il 28 aprile 1883 presso gli ormai famosi Greenyards. Melrose batté Gala in finale e vinse la Ladies Cup.

Il rugby a VII si sviluppò rapidamente lungo il confine scozzese. Selkirk, Gala, Hawick, Jedforest, Langholm, Kelso e Earlston diedero vita ai loro tornei.  Il torneo Middlesex Rugby Sevens fu lanciato nel 1926 a Twickenham. Il primo torneo internazionale di rugby sevens si tenne a Murrayfield nel 1973 per celebrare il centenario della Scottish rugby union. L’Hong Kong International Sevens si tenne tre anni dopo, nel 1976.

La prima Coppa del Mondo del 1993 a Murrayfield ha ospitato 24 federazioni e l’Inghilterra ha battuto l’Australia in finale. La Rugby World Cup Sevens si è poi spostata due volte a Hong Kong (1997 e 2005) e a Mar del Plata in Argentina (2001). Le Figi hanno vinto due volte (a Hong Kong) e la Nuova Zelanda una volta nel 2001. La serie IRB Sevens, lanciata nel 1999, definisce il Rugby Sevens come un futuro sport olimpico e una grande attrazione internazionale riconosciuta dalla Commissione Sportiva del CIO.



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