
6 - Les débuts du rugby


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6 – Les débuts du rugby

Au cours du 19ème siècle, le rugby se développe d’abord au sein des îles Britanniques, grâce à l’adoption des règles du rugby par de nombreux collèges et écoles. Ce jeu se propage des collèges et universités vers le monde entier grâce au soutien actif apporté par les missionnaires, marchands, fonctionnaires, soldats et marins.

Voici quelques dates à retenir concernant l’évolution du rugby durant le 19ème siècle :

– 1839 : Création d’une équipe de football à Cambridge par Arthur Pell, membre de l’Old Rugbeian Society. Selon la légende, une équipe aurait été créée au club Barnette RFC à Londres ;

– 1843 : Selon des récits non confirmés, des étudiants en médecine auraient fondé un club de rugby au Guy’s Hospital ;

– 1850 : Sous l’influence du révérend Rowan Williams, les élèves du Lampeter College, au Pays de Galles, pratiquent le rugby. Dans le même temps, les étudiants de l’Université de Neuenheim, en Allemagne, commencent à jouer au rugby ;

– 1854 : Création du club Dublin University Football Club ;

– 1857 : Fondation du Liverpool Football Club ;

– 1858 : Création du Edimbourg Academicals Football Club

– 1860 : Création du Manchester United Football Club ;

– 1862 : H.H. Almond est nommé directeur de la Loretto School ;

– 1863 : Première de l’une des plus anciennes rencontres, opposant chaque année le club de Richmond à celui de Blackheayh. Création de la Football Association.

A l’initiative de F.M. Campbell, secrétaire du Blackheath, plusieurs clubs de rugby quittent, en signe de protestation, l’assemblée de la Football Association, favorables aux tacles. Ils conservent ainsi les pratiques codifiées du collège de Rugby.


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6. The early days

During the 19th century rugby spread first within the British Isles with Trinity College, Edinburgh Academy, Merchinston, Loretto, Marlborough, Charterhouse, Wellington, St.Paul’s, King’s College, Blackheath Proprietary School and Christ’s College, Finchley adopting the Rugby Rules.

From schools and colleges the Game spread around the world actively promoted by missionaries, merchants, civil servants, soldiers and sailors.

1839 – An Old Rugbeian Arthur Pell forms a football team at Cambridge. It is said that a team started at Barnet RFC in London.

1843 – According to unconfirmed accounts medical students formed a rugby club at Guy’s Hospital.

1850 – Rugby played at Lampeter College in Wales, under the influence of Rev. Rowan Williams; Neuenheim College in Germany starts playing rugby. 

1854 – Dublin University Football Club founded.

1857 – Formation of Liverpool Football Club.

1858 – Formation of Edinburgh Academicals Football Club. Formation of Blackheath Football Club.

1860 – Manchester Football Club is formed.

1862 – H.H. Almond becomes headmaster of Loretto School.

1863 – The beginning of Rugby’s oldest regular club fixture Richmond v Blackheath; Formation of the Football Association; Several rugby clubs led by Blackheath Secretary F.M. Campbell walk out of the FA meeting in support of hacking, thus preserving the Rugby code.


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6. Gli esordi del rugby

Nel corso del XIX secolo, il rugby si sviluppò inizialmente nelle isole britanniche con l’adozione delle regole del rugby da parte del Trinity College, dell’Accademia di Edimburgo, della Merchiston Castle School, della Loretto School, del Marlborough College, della Charterhouse School, del Wellington College, della St.Paul’s School, del King’s College, della Blackheath Proprietary School e del Christ’s College (Finchley). Il gioco si diffonde dai college e dalle università a tutto il mondo grazie al sostegno attivo di missionari, mercanti, funzionari pubblici, soldati e marinai.

 1839: Creazione di una squadra di calcio a Cambridge da Arthur Pell, membro della Old Rugbeian Society. La leggenda vuole che una squadra sia stata formata dal Barnet RFC di Londra.

1843: voci non confermate sostengono che alcuni studenti di medicina abbiano fondato un club di rugby al Guy’s Hospital.

1850: sotto l’influenza del reverendo Rowan Williams, gli studenti del Lampeter College in Galles giocano a rugby; gli studenti dell’Università di Neuenheim in Germania iniziano a giocare a rugby.

1854: viene fondato il Dublin University Football Club.

1857: fondazione del Liverpool Football Club.

1858: fondazione dell’Edinburgh Academicals Football Club. Fondazione del Blackheath Football Club.

1860: Fondazione del Manchester Football Club.

1862: H.H. Almond viene nominato preside della Loretto School.

1863: si gioca per la prima volta uno dei più antichi incontri annuali tra Richmond e Blackheath. Viene fondata la Football Association (FA). Su iniziativa di F.M. Campbell, segretario del Blackheath, diversi club di rugby abbandonano per protesta la riunione della FA incentrata sul tackle. In questo modo mantennero le pratiche codificate del Rugby College.



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